Bryan tours extensively throughout North America, sharing his “songs of faith for small and tall.” Audiences and congregations respond to the warmth and welcome of Bryan’s voice, the contagious nature of his songs, and his signature interactive style of singing and songleading.
Here are some of the most common (but by no means the only) settings available for Bryan’s concert performances:
- interactive all-ages concerts. Over the years, the one-hour all-ages concert has been a mainstay of Bryan’s performances, and is infinitely adaptable depending on the setting and the demographic mix of the audience.
- school/camp concerts. Many Christian schools and camps sing Bryan’s songs with gusto and incorporate them into the curriculum and classroom/all-school routines. Bryan’s performances inspire students/campers, staff and parents in concerts, assemblies, chapels, and classroom settings.
- stories and songs. Bryan also does performances that are more geared toward adults, enabling him to tell stories and perform songs in his repertoire that do not fit easily into an all-ages sing-along concert format.
- house concerts. Bryan’s music and interactive style are well suited for house concert settings. A unique “twist” on more traditional house concerts is to plan it as a family affair, with an initial set that is highly interactive and child-oriented, and then to provide childcare during a second set that is especially for the parents and other adults (see the “stories and songs” category above).
- conferences/conventions. Bryan’s performances also translate well into large conference and convention settings. While a greater percentage of Bryan’s concerts are congregationally-hosted, larger conference/convention settings typically account for a few performances every year, and offer a powerful, creative, and interactive way to drive home conference themes.
(photo credit: Sprouted Acorn Photography)