enthusiastic words from Brian McLaren and Dave Csinos
Here’s an introduction that Brian McLaren and Dave Csinos have written for the new project I’m working on (aiming to have it ready for release at the “Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity” (CYNKC) conference in Washington, D.C. in May).
We dream of a church (and a world) in which the young and old (and everyone in between) join hands as they walk in the way of Jesus. But so many resources seem to divide the faith community into different age groups instead of uniting us in a common mission. Bryan Moyer Suderman’s music invites many generations to come together to sing a new song to the Lord. Bryan takes up the challenge of uniting the old and the young, the tall and the small, with songs of faith that echo the depth, beauty, struggle, complexity, and unconventionality of walking in the way of Jesus.
Bryan is a minstrel, a prophet, a visionary, and a follower of Jesus who invites listeners of all ages to join him in “infiltrating the world with the love of God.” His music is captivating, his lyrics are theologically-rich and thought-provoking, and his voice invites us all to live God’s kingdom wherever we are. Whether reminding us that we are “Disciples-in-Training” or encouraging us to “Take Good Care” of the earth, Bryan’s music offers a glimpse of a new kind of Christianity, one in which the tall and small join together to worship God, disciple one another, and seek peace and justice in the world.
This new collection of Bryan’s songs is drawn from five albums released over the past ten years. We like to think of it as a “best of” album, not only because these songs have become favorites in homes, congregations, and communities around the world, but also because they offer some of the best messages that a new kind of Christianity has to share with our world, messages of peace, justice, unity, curiosity, responsibility, and cooperation.
Brian McLaren – Author, Speaker, Activist Dave Csinos – Founder of CYNKC